AGM 2017

Eldon Leisure Squash Club

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 12 July 2017, 7:00pm Meet at Eldon Leisure Centre Reception

1. Present

Clare Woroniuk

Adam Coates

Richard Adamson 

Steve Drummond

Alan Coates

Guy Eniona

Shef Popat

Andrew Webber

2. Apologies

Mark Steven, Mark Manuel

3. Minutes of previous AGM, 8th June 2016

Minutes of the AGM from 8th June 2016 were discussed and agreed. It was noted that a reduction in court cost for team matches has been very helpful.

4. Treasurer’s Report- Shef Popat

The account balance at 1.6.17 was £1486.52 showing an increase of £384.65 from 1.6.16. Unfortunately, the bank account was hacked 26.5.17 Shef reported this to Barclays and the money was recovered once the paperwork was completed. Shef will contact GLL re sponsoring the Eldon Teams and contributing towards the Northumbria League Fees for 2017-2018 season.

5. League Secretary’s Report- Adam Coates

Currently 97 club members, which is slightly down from 107 last year. A steady number of new players joining the club on average 3-5 new players every 2 months.

70 players in the last league period, very similar to this time in 2016 indicating that people who did not renew their membership were not active members of the club.

There has been an increase in the number of games played during each league period, from 109 in 2016 to 121 during the same period in 2017.

The new rule of removing a player from the leagues if they do not play a single game in one league period without a valid reason seems to have had a positive effect on the levels of league match activity. There has been a significant reduction in the number of players removed from the leagues due to not playing.

6. Election of Officers

The following officers were elected;

Secretary- Steve Drummond (Proposed Clare Woroniuk, Seconded Alan Coates) 

Treasurer- Shef Popat

League Secretary- Adam Coates

Team Managers- Mark Steven & Guy Eniona. Together with the three Men’s team Captains (Proposed Adam Coates Seconded Shef Popat)

Social Officer- Andrew Webber (Proposed Clare Woroniuk Seconded Richard Adamson)

General Member Officers- Mark Manuel, Alan Coates, Richard Adamson, Guy Eniona will also support with organising socials 

7. Discussion of Proposals

7.1 Purchasing new software for the leagues.

Wayzgoose software (used by Northern) is only £3 a month and looks like it has all the features we need. Also get a free 3-month trial so we can test it out before committing to buy it. Old software is getting close to unusable and is out of date and slow.

It was agreed to change the league software to wayzgoose to begin in the next league period.

7.2 New date for the club championship. 

Early September. Possibility to suggest 2 dates and send a poll via email/facebook to members to see which date more people can attend.

It was agreed that 1-3 September and 15-17 September would be polled on the club website until 20.7.17 to determine the most popular date. RA will book out courts for both weekends.

7.3 Men’s Team captains and team recruitment.

It was agreed that emails would be sent to promote team recruitment.

7.4 Increase in membership fee.

Proposal to up the membership fee to £20 - £25.

After discussion it was agreed to raise the membership to £20 and the committee will review in January 2018.

7.5 Water fountain in the squash area

SP to organise a meeting with GLL to discuss a water fountain in the squash area, together with opening up the toilets, which are closer to the squash courts and team squash sponsorship. SD and RA expressed an interest to attend this meeting.

8. Any Other Business

An Eldon WhatsApp group was discussed, to be set up and monitored by the Social Officer.